We were delighted to sponsor the BIC Brunch event on 29th April on the subject of ‘What is the Library Communication Framework?’ Insight Media Director Neil Johnson spoke alongside Neil Barker from Civica, Catherine Cooke from Westminster Libraries and Andrew Daye from SOLUS.
The Library Communication Framework (LCF) is set to transform how library suppliers share information with each other in the future, building on the work that the SIP2 protocol has delivered in the past. LCF whilst allowing vendors to share basic transactional information (like SIP2), will offer a more flexible set of standard messages with enriched options including payments that will assist libraries' and better management for their users, systems and inventories.
Aimed at anyone involved in the library sector including librarians, library suppliers, systems vendors, data aggregators, and content providers, the session explored LCF’s origins, the benefits and challenges of its usage and learnings from LCF in action.
If you didn’t manage to listen to the event live, you can find a recording on the BIC Youtube channel here.
