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Digital infrastructure improvements for Walsall Libraries

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Walsall Libraries were able to invest in technology and infrastructure improvements across their seven libraries, mobile library and archives service, thanks to a £202,349 grant from the Arts Council England Libraries Improvement Fund.

iCAM Wireless Cloud Print

The improvements included new furniture to create flexible work and study spaces, as well as new tables and chairs for children’s groups and activities.

Work also took place to update existing technology within the libraries, with the aim of increasing access to technology for the local community and help improve digital inclusion.

Insight Media is proud to have played a part in this project, with the introduction of iCAM Wireless Cloud Print across all the libraries, enabling library members and visitors to print via Wi-Fi from their own devices.

iCAM Wireless Cloud Print gives library users seamless, easy to use Wi-Fi printing, with the flexibility to print whilst in the library building or print from home and collect prints later from a local library. Compatible with Android, Apple and Windows phones, tablets and laptops, the solution allows printing of a range of document formats, web pages, and web-based email.

Insight Media Director, Neil Johnson said:

“We were delighted to work with Walsall Libraries on this project to enhance the digital offering across the library service. The solution we have implemented gives library users a new Wi-Fi printing service, better reflecting the way users are increasingly using their own devices in libraries.”

Councillor Garry Perry, Leader of Walsall Council said:

“These improvements offer residents a better user experience, create flexible work and study spaces, and help combat digital exclusion across the borough.

“Libraries are at the heart of communities, and I am proud that this investment will help future proof our services and improve access to IT facilities for our residents.”


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