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Printing in libraries - a vital service


We know from speaking to our customers that printing in libraries is an important service for them to offer to their members and visitors. With more and more of our day-to-day life moving on line, the ability to print documents, statements, emails, letters, tickets etc is becoming increasingly important. And for many people it is simply not practical to have the expense and hassle of purchasing and maintaining a printer at home for occasional use.

With libraries often acting as ‘community hubs’ with council departments signposting the public there for services such as help with benefits claims, job hunting, and paying bills and all the resulting paperwork and documentation, it seems the requirement for printing in libraries is not going to reduce any time soon.

Our iCAM print solution is user-friendly and flexible, available for use with library PCs and also as a wireless print solution for users preferring to print from their own devices. A simple staff interface allows for quick and easy payment and print release as well as comprehensive reporting. And integration with most of the library RFID suppliers means we can enable self-service printing from your existing kiosks if you prefer to encourage self-service printing and free up staff for other tasks.

Our wireless print solution also supports scanning and copying of documents using the ‘Tap to Scan’ function on an Android device or the ‘Scan’ option in Notes on Apple devices. Once the document has been scanned and saved it can then be sent to print via Wireless Cloud Print.

In December we offered customers a free three month trial of iCAM Wireless Cloud Print and a number took us up on the offer and are now in the process of assessing the product for potential purchase, with their library members and visitors already enjoying the benefits of convenient printing from their mobiles, tablets and laptops.

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