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iCAM brings further efficiencies to Wirral Libraries

As part of a project to enhance services for their members and visitors and improve efficiencies for staff, Wirral Libraries worked with Insight Media to integrate newer iCAM products with those they were already using

iCAM Wireless Cloud Print

Library patrons increasingly expect to be able to print from their own devices rather than having to log on to a library PC, and the iCAM Wireless Cloud Print solution offers simple functionality alongside seamless integration with other iCAM products and the Library Management System.

iCAM Wi-Fi printing gives library users the flexibility to print whilst in the library building or print from home and collect prints later from a local library. There are no requirements for separate log ins, codes or vouchers for collecting print. Compatible with Android, Apple and Windows phones, tablets and laptops, the solution allows printing of a range of document formats, web pages, and web-based email.

As an added benefit for users, our public-facing website promotes all sites with iCAM Wireless Cloud Print installed and offers a search function for members of the public looking to print their documents at a library from their own device.

According to Wirral Libraries, the Wi-Fi printing is “proving very popular amongst our customers, with an increasing demand month on month.”

iCAM iKiosk

When Wirral Libraries were rolling out Bibliotheca self-service kiosks across all their 10 library sites they took the decision to install iCAM iKiosk to further enhance the services available to members via the kiosks.

Alongside the standard kiosk functions of book loans, returns, reservations and payment of fines, by adding iKiosk the library service extended the functionality to include self-service print payment and release.

The user interface is simple and intuitive, with iCAM features accessed on the kiosk by scanning a library membership card or typing in a borrower number and selecting the required service via the touch screen.

The implementation of our kiosk software solution is a natural addition for customers using iCAM Printer Control and Wireless Cloud Print, providing enhanced self-service functionality and an enriched user experience. The iKiosk software reduces queues at the counter and improves operational productivity, providing benefits for both staff and users:

  • Reduces staff involvement in the management of public printing

  • Reduces queues at the counter

  • Provides enhanced self-service functionality for users

  • Seamless integration between iCAM and RFID systems

  • Supports self-service in libraries during un-staffed periods

A complete self-service Wi-Fi print payment and release solution

By combining the iCAM suite of products, Wirral Libraries can now offer a complete self-service print payment and release solution to their members, even when the library is open but not staffed.

Working closely with the library’s other suppliers, we were able to integrate our solutions with the ESS Library Management System and the Bibliotheca kiosks to give a completely joined-up solution that meets the needs of the modern library and its users.

Mark Hughes, Library Strategy - Senior Technical Officer Libraries, commented:

“At this time, when nearly everyone carries a mobile phone with them, offering a service where users can print directly from their phone has been a real positive. It’s simple to do too – connect to our library Wi-Fi, find your document, print, choose the printer at the site you’re at, and in seconds it’s waiting for you at the counter. We now have many grateful customers who just needed that returns label/boarding pass/CV etc. printing quickly and easily.”


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