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Knowsley Library Service introduces Wi-Fi printing

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Knowsley Library Service were receiving an increasing number of enquiries from library patrons about printing from their own devices. This is something that we are finding is becoming more frequently requested, and iCAM Wireless Cloud Print has been developed to provide a simple, user-friendly solution.

iCAM Wireless Cloud Print

We worked with Knowsley Library Service to initially implement iCAM Wireless Cloud Print in one library as a trial, to ensure the solution integrated smoothly with all library systems and to give staff a chance to test and become familiar with the solution. Wireless Cloud Print was very positively received and was quickly rolled out across the four remaining library sites. In addition, the libraries have been added to the website where members of the public can search for their nearest library offering iCAM Wi-Fi printing.



Stuart Johnson, Library Supervisor (Digital Services) commented:

“At Knowsley Library Service we have offered printing from public PCs across our branches for a number of years but recent customer feedback has revealed a significant demand for wireless printing from customers' own devices. After looking into various ways of providing wireless printing, we became aware that Insight Media had developed a more streamlined wireless printing solution, and as we'd been an iCAM customer for a number of years and been very happy with the iCAM product and service, we decided to pursue this option.

“Staff and customer feedback has been extremely positive, and my own experience of the implementation process and actual solution itself has been very highly positive … In-branch wireless printing is proving to be reliable and easy to use, for both staff and customers.”

iCAM iKiosk

To further enhance the customer experience, Knowsley Library Service opted to purchase the iCAM iKiosk software for their existing Bibliotheca kiosks, to enable self-service print payment and release. The software integrates seamlessly with most library self-service kiosks and helps to free up staff from taking payments, reducing queues at the staff counter.


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